Doggy Daycare
Our Doggy Daycare Program
Whether restless, bored, or just lonely, our daycare can help your dog meet new friends and have endless fun.
In addition to socializing your pet, daycare is a great outlet for excess energy, reducing behavioral problems, and keeping your dog in top condition. We provide a fun and safe daycare experience for your dogs with trained staff that keep a watchful eye while continuously interacting with your dog. Our daycare dog guests commit to a specific weekly schedule for one or more full days every week. This schedule commitment provides a consistent experience for your dog on their assigned day(s) as they will always be with the same pack. This provides security and confidence to your dog and allows us to be very in-tune with our dogs and how they interact on each day. We do not allow “drop-in” to our daycare as this would be overwhelming to the new dog and disruptive to the cohesive packs we have developed. The dogs play each day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and are given breaks or lunch specific to each dog’s individual needs on that day.

Daycare Details
Playgroup Compatibility Evaluation is required prior to the first day of daycare so we can make sure pups are placed into the best groups for them.
• Social play mixed with rest time throughout the day
• Private den during lunch and feedings (unless sharing with siblings)
• Medications can be administered at $2/day
Drop-off & pick-up times
• Daycare drop-off is anytime between 7am – 8:45 a.m.
• Pick-up is by 6pm (late pick ups after 6:30 p.m. will incur a late fee)
• If pick-up is after 7:30 p.m., then the dog will be boarded overnight with a boarding charge.
We do not have a firm policy on spay/neuter, but evaluate our dogs on an ongoing basis for behavior.
Certifications & Memberships